"Designed by Electricians, For Electricians" means we understand your business because it's also our business.
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Assessment Calculator
Everyday we all experience inefficiencies in work and business. But how often do we take time to examine them and assign costs? It can be quite an eye opener when we assign dollar cost equivalents to the operational headaches and inefficiencies that occur every day. Obtaining this information can be more simple than you think and also be powerful in helping you to make decisions for your business. We did it for ourselves and want to share it with you. Just follow the instructions below and we'll do the rest.
Your inefficiencies are costing you:
360e could save you:
* Estimation only, this value is calculated at an assumed operating cost reduction of up to 50%. Your actual operating costs may or may not reduce, may reduce more than or less than this amount, or may increase after implementing 360e software into your business.
Give us 15 minutes, we’ll give you your weekends back!