360e is robust software that facilitates project management for electricians. In addition to making it simple to schedule workers, track expenses, manage invoices and check on the progress of jobs, the app also creates reports that help you identify ways to improve quote conversion rates. Knowing how to take advantage of 360e’s intuitive features and reports will give you the insight you need to implement effective changes and win more jobs, making it the ultimate CRM for electrical company owners and managers.
Tips for Using 360e’s Reports to Boost Business
Know the Quote-to-Job Ratio
To achieve your goal of converting more quotes, you must first determine how many jobs your company is winning. 360e’s ability to convert quotes to jobs in a single click offers more than convenience. The software keeps track of the conversions, allowing you to see how many jobs you won in a specific period. When you know the current conversion rates, you can make realistic goals and track your progress.
Monitor Employee Performance
Electrical workers are more than just experts in their field. They have important roles in regards to customer service and satisfaction. When workers are late, make mistakes or arrive to a site unprepared, customer satisfaction declines. As a result, your chances of earning repeat business or coveted word-of-mouth endorsements lower.
360e’s time tracking for electricians does more than calculate the number of hours that employees worked. It also helps you identify inefficiencies. Use the app’s built-in Activity Log and reports to monitor every action that an employee makes in real-time. This will also help you determine:
- How long it took a current or prospective customer to receive a quote or invoice
- How long it took a worker to reach a job site and complete the project
- Reasons behind project delays, such as insufficient inventory, last-minute changes and permit issues
Improve Time Management
The smallest changes in an electrical company’s processes can make it more efficient and productive, giving you the ability to increase the number of projects you take on without sacrificing quality. 360e’s custom reports and features simplify tasks, such as:
- Employee scheduling: Avoid double-booking workers or scheduling them to work on the wrong days or times
- Sending accurate quotes: 360e saves information related to labor, product costs, permits and more, so you and your workers can create and send fair, accurate quotes in a matter of minutes
- Data entry: 360e builds customer profiles, converts quotes to jobs and jobs to invoices, stores documents and photos, saves job changes and more so you only have to enter the information into the system once.
- Document management: 360e’s Document Management System eliminates the need for time-wasting physical files, which cost more than you might think to manage, store and retrieve. The system gives you access to all your uploaded and saved files from any connected device, making your proximity to the office a non-issue.
Analyze the Most Successful Accounts and Projects
Use 360e’s reporting feature to determine which jobs and accounts were the most profitable during a specific period. Use the information to consider what aspects made the projects or customers a success. For example, an account might be profitable because it brings in repeat business. The most profitable project might have been larger in scope, had fast turnaround times in regards to quotes and returning client calls, and had your best workers on site. When you identify the factors that lead to the greatest profits, you can repeat and improve upon them in the future to boost the bottom line.
360e’s CRM for electrical companies offers complete project management for electricians. Its versatile reports define accomplishments and areas of improvement while helping you manage the nuances of your business. Try the free Assessment Calculator today to determine how much inefficiencies are hurting your profits and learn how much 360e could save.